
Legal Framework

Turks and Caicos Islands have demonstrated significant corporate and financial law stability over many decades and continue to do so. TCI law is based upon English common law, with a significant number of locally enacted, TCI-specific statutes - including several in the areas of corporate law and financial services. The TCI court system is based upon English law and English civil and criminal procedure. The ultimate court of appeal from the TCI Supreme Court is the Privy Council in London.

Regulatory Framework

Turks and Caicos Islands Financial Services Commission (TCIFSC) is an independent statutory body established under the Financial Services Commission Ordinance 2001 and continued under the Financial Services Commission Ordinance 2007.


The Commission is an integrated regulator responsible for regulating all financial services businesses operating in or from the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) and the supervision of designated non-financial businesses and persons (DNFBPs) and not-for-profit entities operating in or from the TCI. Through the Commercial Registry, the Commission is also responsible for the administration of company formation, registration, patents, trademarks, and business names.


The Commission is led by a seven-member Board of Commissioners and reports to Her Excellency the Turks and Caicos Islands Governor.

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