2023 F&I Reinsurance and Product Conference

Phoenix – 13-15 November
This annual conference is organised by GPW and Associates who specialise in captive and reinsurance management and have significant business in the TCI. Attendees included risk managers, tax professionals, consultants, and other insurance industry and administrator professionals.
This event brings the reinsurance community in the US together in one location to network, and share updates on Legal, Tax, Regulatory, and business developments in the industry. This year the focus was on risk transfer, the latest tax and regulatory updates for service contract programs, cutting-edge F&I industry trends, and innovative concepts such as captive opportunities for healthcare and property & casualty risks.
The quality of the speakers at this event is extraordinary, not only in terms of depth of knowledge and expertise, but also in terms of clarity and delivery to the audience. The reinsurance industry is constantly adapting to new regulation and legislation both at the state and federal level, as well as rapidly increasing insurance costs to mitigate an ever-widening array of risks. It is certainly a growth sector, offering huge opportunities to both offshore and onshore professionals who can deliver what the industry wants and needs.
Events like the GPW conference are opportunities for jurisdictions such as the Turks & Caicos Islands to grow relationships, understand market trends, and current & future industry priorities. This allows the TCI to leverage its best-in-class Financial Services professionals, and proactive regulator, to establish an efficient and cost-effective framework for existing and future products and services supporting the reinsurance industry.
Attendance at such events enables TCI Finance to ensure that we remain at the forefront of the reinsurance industry, delivering the high quality, efficient and cost-effective services that our clients demand.
The TCI specialises in PARCs and mid-size Captives, but also offers services to support a much broader range of structures such as NCFCs. Please contact us at TCI Finance for a more in-depth report on the GPW conference or just to find out more about what the TCI has to offer you.